What do you need to feel safe?Photo by Erik Dungan on Unsplash Sometimes all we need to get unstuck is the permission to say yes to what we already know deep within us to be true.
However, so often when the Soul calls us forward to expand into something new and unfamiliar, the mind recognizes that as her cue to get to work and present you with all of the very compelling reasons for why it would be a better idea to just skip it and be ok with what you already have. Because what’s so bad about that anyways? And the mind is very compelling, isn’t she! We can stay stuck in unfulfilling situations for years and even decades, all because she is so masterful at convincing us that saying no to that inner nudge for change is in our best interest. Isn’t it funny how we were born with this little chatterbox in our heads, but were never really taught what her purpose is or what she’s actually up to? It’s when we start to see the beauty in what is happening here that the light of awareness can shine on what it is we need to feel safe in order to give ourselves the yes our Soul is calling for. The beauty of the mind is that one of her roles is to be our master protector, and she’s great at protecting us from feeling scared! When you look at it in this way, she’s actually being quite sweet. From a place of pure innocence, she gave herself the role of keeping us stuck in place because she really just wants us to feel better. So she does her very best to talk us out of making big changes, because the fall out of change can be scary. So maybe its time to offer a gesture of gratitude to that little chatterbox today. Thank you for protecting me from feeling sacred. I hear you, I love you, I appreciate you for all that you do to keep me safe. You may have heard that the best way to conquer fear is to move through it. To ignore what the mind is saying and just push through with the yes anyways. Maybe in some cases this is what is needed. But I have another suggestion, one that feels more like love. What if you could first identify what is needed for the part of you that is scared to feel safe, BEFORE moving ahead with your yes? The same way you would learn how to swim, before jumping into the deep end of the swimming pool. What if staying stuck wasn’t the only safe option? In the midst of being frozen in stuckness, this is often the option we default to. However, what if it’s just a matter of figuring out what you need to learn first, before you jump into the deep end of this thing that seems so scary? The Soul is always giving us inner urges that call us forward to know and experience more of our true selves. This is always going to involve something needing to change. Sometimes it just takes a bit of planning to get there. So this week, if you find yourself in a situation where that beautiful mind of yours is talking you out of your yes, take a moment to ask her . . . What do you need to feel safe? With Love, Kristen XO Comments are closed.
Kristen BraidUplifting the heart of our world to a greater experience of love, health & harmony through self discovery and inner healing. Archives
February 2024
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