What if you're not doing anything wrong?Photo by Joe Dudeck on Unsplash “There is a crack, a crack in everything That’s how the light gets in” - from the song Anthem by Leonard Cohen This quote came to mind as I was coming up with a theme for this week’s Soul Note. I was inspired to find out the origin of the quote so I could properly honour the context in where it came from. As I read and listened to the lyrics of Leonard Cohen’s song, Anthem, I became self conscious to take on the profound depth of thought and contemplation of this life that he so powerfully taps into. If you are curious to dive deeper into some bigger picture wisdom of this life we are living, look up the full lyrics to the song. I am not going to go where he takes you in Anthem today, but I do think the spirit of this lyric has significance as we contemplate our own personal journeys as well. As always, these words show up in my life in perfect synchronicity. I’d like to share a more personal anecdote this week. In hopes that it may inspire something in you as well. Things have been hard! This past year, I have been gaining increasing clarity on my purpose in this world as the vision for what I am creating in my life comes into focus. However, with that, it feels like I keep getting hit with one internal road block after another as I attempt to birth my dreams into reality. It has truly been the slowest process I have ever experienced. To the point where I’ve often asked myself - what is wrong with me that I can’t seem to get where I know I am fully capable of going? It’s been frustrating because as I hold this vision, it just feels like the energy isn’t there to support it. Have you ever felt this way? Like you hear the whispers of change calling to you but you feel stuck in the same place, day after day, month after month, maybe even year after year? In a world that appears to favour constant movement (and fast movement at that), it is easy for us to think we are broken when the changes we want to make appear out of reach. Here is the thing, change can be hard! There is so much more at play, affecting our day to day actions than what we were ever taught to be conscious of. Physically, the body is programmed physiologically to keep us safe. When a perceived threat to the status quo arises (ie. change), we can be programmed to either fight, freeze or flee the situation. If you have a tendency towards stuckness, your body may be wired to freeze in the face of fear. And change can be scary right? Emotionally, without knowing it, we may try to protect ourselves from the big feelings that come with change such as grief of leaving behind the old or worry that as you explore new territory, it may not be as good as you thought it would be. On top of that, from a spiritual perspective, we are always being affected by the energies around us. Our physical, mental and emotional bodies are reacting to the impact of the spiritual energy at play in this reality we live in. I decided to have a peek at my astrology chart this morning. Funny thing is, I had read this several months ago and didn’t think too much of it. Turns out, the energies of the stars have had me in a holding pattern for awhile now. There is relief that comes in the ability to look back with a fresh perspective, one that I had to live out before realizing it was true! Whatever it is that is impacting us, it is all happening for a reason. The lessons I am learning through these times of stagnation are that of pure faith. Faith that the possibility of dreams realized still exists, faith that the determination and resilience I am building through this time are going to serve me well in the future, and faith that this cycle of life that I am in right now is just that, a cycle, that had a natural beginning and will have a natural ending as well. There are times in life where we are meant to be charging ahead into new territory. And there are times when we are meant to slow down, go inward, reflect and learn from the wisdom that is hidden in the stuckness. Sometimes the best thing to do when you are stuck is to allow yourself to be in it. To love yourself through it. And have faith that the wisdom of this time will reveal itself to you when you are ready for it. It is in these times where we feel broken that the cracks are there to let in the light of the gifts we have been given. So this week, you have permission to grant yourself the gift of faith as you ask yourself this . . . What if I’m not doing anything wrong? Please share with anyone who may need to hear these words right now. May we all support one another to uplift the heart of our world to greater experiences of love, health & harmony. With Love, Kristen XO
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Kristen BraidUplifting the heart of our world to a greater experience of love, health & harmony through self discovery and inner healing. Archives
February 2024
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